How to Degas Water? A Step-by-Step Guide!

Some gasses from the air are naturally dissolved in water. This isn’t a huge problem until you use the water in a boiler or a chemical experiment. When you need to feed water into a boiler or use it in experiments, you need to degas water.

But, how to degas water? There are multiple methods for degassing water. Among them, vacuum degassing, thermal degassing, pressure degassing, membrane degassing, and chemical degassing are common.

I will talk about why water degassing is important and when. Plus, you will also learn to degas water in different methods. Let’s begin.

What Does Degassing Water Mean?

Degassing means eliminating gases from water. Even if the water doesn’t undergo any natural or industrial procedure, it will have gases dissolved in it. Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide are commonly dissolved in water. 

What Does Degassing Water Mean

In the degassing process, these gases are removed from the water. Several methods are used for degassing, depending on where and how the water will be used. Learn more about the degassing effect in the water.

Why Should You Degas Water?

Water is degassed for different purposes. Here is a quick overview of them.

To Maintain Taste and Quality

When water is used in making beverages, such as coffee or lemonade, its taste should be neutral. But if there are dissolved gases in the water, they will alter the taste. So, beverage factories degas water before using it in the production process.

To Prevent Corrosion

Water is required in numerous industrial processes, such as boilers or cooling systems. If the water is saturated with gases, they can cause scale build-up. And equipment will be corroded over time. So, industries degas water before using it to minimize corrosion.

For Analytical Accuracy

If you use water in a lab experiment, the water should be degassed. Otherwise, dissolved gases can alter the results of the analysis.

For Medical Applications

In pharmaceutical industries, a slight reaction of gas can cause problems. So, they degas water before using it in making medicines. Various medical procedures also need degassed water.

How to Degas Water? Multiple Methods Explained

You can degas water in different methods. I will discuss the most common methods for degassing water and provide detailed guides.

Thermal Degassing (Boiling)

This method is also known as boiling. Let me tell you the steps.

  • Step 1: Take water in a pot from a clean source. The water should not have any visible debris.
  • Step 2: Place the pot on a stove and crank the heat up. Let the water come to a boil.
  • Step 3: As the water boils, you will see small bubbles coming up. These are trapped gasses that will be removed through boiling.
  • Step 4: Continue boiling for 15-20 minutes so that all dissolved gases are removed from the water.
  • Step 5: Turn off the heat and let the water cool down. Once it comes to room temperature, you can use this degassed water for various purposes.

Pros of Thermal Degassing

  • Highly cost-effective 
  • No special tools are required
  • Suitable for individual use

Cons of Thermal Degassing

  • The water may not be completely degassed
  • Some necessary minerals can be removed

Vacuum Degassing

This is another common method for degassing water. You need to have a vacuum chamber to degas water in this method. Let’s see how to do that.

  • Step 1: Take water in a pot and place it inside the vacuum chamber.
  • Step 2: After closing the chamber, turn on the vacuum pump. It will create a low-pressure zone inside the chamber.
  • Step 3: As the pressure reduces, gases will start coming out. Continue the process for 10-15 minutes.
  • Step 4: Then turn off the vacuum pump and remove the pot from the chamber. 

Pros of Vacuum Degassing

  • It is more efficient 
  • More gasses are removed from the water
  • No heat is required

Cons of Vacuum Degassing

  • Vacuum setup can be expensive

Sparging Method

In this method, you need to use inert gasses to degas the water. Here are the detailed steps.

  • Step 1: Take water you want to degas in a pot.
  • Step 2: Let an inert gas flow through the water. For example, you can use helium or argon. 
  • Step 3: The inert gas will take up the space of the dissolved gases and eliminate them from the water. You will see air bubbles coming up.
  • Step 4: After all the air bubbles are out, you should wait about 20-30 minutes for the inert gases to come out.
  • Step 5: When there are no bubbles around, you can collect the degassed water and use it for various purposes.

Pros of the Sparging Method

  • This method is highly effective
  • Suitable for low and high-volume operations
  • No minerals are eliminated

Cons of the Sparging Method

  • Setting up the sparging equipment can be expensive
  • It isn’t suitable for individual use

Membrane Degassing

As the name suggests, you will be passing water over microporous membranes. The membrane lets the gasses pass but not the water. Remember, industrial-grade membrane degassing can vary from this process. Check the steps below.

  • Step 1: You need to buy a membrane degassing device and install it into the water supply line.
  • Step 2: As you turn on the water flow, water will go over the membrane. Gases will pass the membrane and be eliminated from the water. But water can’t go through the membrane.
  • Step 3: You can repeat the previous step by making loops so that the water passes over the membrane several times. It will ensure optimum degassing.
  • Step 4: The water is now degassed and ready to use.

Pros of Membrane Degassing

  • It is the easiest method for degassing water
  • You can degas any volume of water
  • It doesn’t require a high maintenance

Cons of Membrane Degassing

  • Degassing devices are costly

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about degassing water. Check them out.

Q: Can you drink degassed water?

A: Yes, you can. It is still water that just contains no gasses. So it is safe to drink. Degassers can be used in drinking water supply, especially to degas groundwater.

Q: Are degassification and deaeration the same?

A: No. Deaeration refers to the elimination of air molecules from water or other liquids. But degasification removes all dissolved gases.

Q: Will degassing water reduce the corrosion of water pipes?

A: If you can degas the water before it enters the supply line, then degassing can reduce corrosion. 

Final Thoughts

Degassing water isn’t a necessary process in our daily use. But when water needs to be used in beverage production or other industrial equipment, degassing it is a must. The process removes dissolved gases from the water so that they can’t react with other elements.

In this guide, I showed how to degas water in different methods. Some of these methods are more suitable for home use, but others are commonly used in industrial environments. Pick the right method for you to get gasless water.

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